
What is a patent

Patent is the grant of a property right to the inventor that gives him a temporary monopoly on the manufacturing and sale of the object of the invention.
In this way inventors are granted the right to exclude others from making, using, selling exporting and importing the objects that fall within the patent protection.
The owner of an Italian patent application who intends to protect his invention abroad can extend his own patent in one or more foreign countries.

To do this, he must file a patent application with the National Patent Office of each country of interest.

Foreign patent applications are completely independent both during examination or granting and regarding the provisions that must be complied with in order to be valid.

Patent protection in individual countries is compulsory when the owner intends to extend the protection of an Italian patent to countries that have not signed the International Treaties allowing for cumulative registration. On the contrary, it is recommended to reduce costs when the owner decides to extend the protection of an Italian patent to one or few countries that have signed the International Treaties.
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